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1 aagcobb  Thu, Oct 6, 2011 11:57:19am

Can you imagine how many wingnut heads will explode if SCOTUS affirms the Affordable Care Act, especially if Scalia votes with the majority?

2 HappyWarrior  Thu, Oct 6, 2011 12:48:32pm

Clearly Scalia is a liberal

3 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Oct 9, 2011 2:03:02pm

The actual question that TP tees off of is quite interesting:

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday, however, conservative Justice Antonin Scalia openly mocked their suggestion that his Court should simply declare all these programs unconstitutional in response to a question from committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT):

LEAHY: Justice Scalia, under our Constitution, what is the role, if any, that the judges play in making budgetary choices or determining what the best allocation of taxpayer resources is? Is that within their proper role, or is that somewhere else?

SCALIA: You know it’s not within our proper role Mr. Chairman. [laughs] Of course it’s not.

TP bolds Justice Scalia's answer, but I have bolded Senator Leahy's question. I do so because if Leahy agrees with Scalia on this point, I intend to hold him to that agreement the next time a federal judge orders a municipality to increase education spending. Scalia is simply articulating the views he has expressed forcefully for over 2 decades, but does Leahy really agree with those views on the role of judges in budgetary matters, or does he simply agree for the moment because those views are useful in hammering certain Republicans. Either way, one must give Justice Scalia a measure of respect: He does not bend his views to serve factional political interests, but instead adheres to the Constitution as he understands it. Disagree with him if you wish, but you should respect his integrity.

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